ORIGINALIST by Carol Kaufman Segal

John Strand’s play about Scalia, entitled The
Originalist, playing at the Pasadena Playhouse, is a fictionalized story
that pits him against a young liberal woman who, despite their differences,
they end up as friends.
play opens with Scalia, (masterly performed by Edward Gero) with operatic music
in the background and he talks about how much he loves opera music. Then we find him on stage where he is holding
forth a talk to a law school class and being interrupted repeatedly by a young
woman in the audience as she challenges some of his remarks.

the battle ensues. Judge Scalia believes
that anything before the court should hold fast to the Constitution despite the
fact that it was ratified over two centuries ago (philosophy of
originalism). Most people feel that the
Court should allow for changes as society changes. Otherwise, we would be held to some very
repugnant laws that, fortunately have been changed, such as racial and gender
equality. According to Judge Scalia’s
interpretation, any laws that do not adhere strictly to the original intent by the
founders, would be proclaimed unconstitutional.
s a pure conservative and while he debates his side with Cat, she has answers
for him through her legal research. But
as time passes, Cat does not see him as a man without feeling, and before long,
they become friends
admittedly, this could never happen, Playwright Strand, in his note to the
audience, gives his reason for writing this play. To quote him, he wrote. “What happened to the
political middle? How did compromise
become a dirty word in American politics?
Civil discourse has been replaced by a verbal foodfight. Why?”

The Originalist is playing at the
Pasadena Playhouse, 39 S. El Molina, in Pasadena, Ave., Pasadena, CA. Performances are Tuesdays through Fridays at 8
PM, Saturdays at 4 PM & 8 PM, Sundays at 2 PM, through May 7th,
with one Sunday evening performance at 7 PM on April 30.