King Charles III, playing at the
Pasadena Playhouse, is a fictionalized play written by British playwright Mike
Bartlett. Unusual in its text for today’s
style, Bartlett used both blank verse and prose, as did Shakespeare in his day,
to tell a story about future events in the lives of the British Monarchy.
The play
opens with pomp and circumstance at the funeral of Queen Elizabeth. Prince Charles (Jim Abele), who has waited
zealously, is now the reigning monarch. The
British Prime Minister (J. Paul Boehmer) brings him a bill that he must sign,
as all others before him have done. Royalty
in Britain is strictly ceremonial, having nothing to do with the laws of the
country, but nevertheless, Charles is opposed to the bill and refuses to sign
it. His refusal creates a serious
predicament in England, since his coronation cannot take place unless he agrees
to do so.
The status
of the situation Charles has created, now puts the country in a panic, as well
as the entire royal family that includes Camilla (Laura Gardner), William (Adam
Haas Hunter), beloved Catherine (Meghan Andrews), or Kate as she is called, and
Harry (Dylan Saunders). However, Harry (Dylan
Saunders) has less concern about the family troubles, especially after he meets
Jess (Sarah Holllis), a rather salacious art student.

Each actor
gives an outstanding performance of their character, sometimes a bit difficult
to understand however, due to their perfect British accents. Since the play is
fictional, we do not really know if this is how each of them would react to
their situation, but suffice it to say, it makes for an interesting perspective. The production, directed by Michael Michetti,
is outstanding. The scenic design by David
Meyer is exceptional in its beauty and effectiveness.
King Charles III plays Wednesdays,
Thursdays, and Fridays at 8 PM, Saturdays at 2 PM and 8 PM, and Sundays at 2 PM
and 7 PM. There will be a Tuesdays night
performance November 28 at 8 PM. The
Pasadena Playhouse is located at 39 South El Molina Ave., Pasadena. Tickets are available online at, by phone at (626) 356-7529, or in person t the Playhouse
Box Office.