ALL MY SONS by Carol Kaufman Segal
Miller (October 15, 1915 – February 10, 2005) was an American playwright whose
dramas were popular from the late 1940’s to the early 1960’s. He also wrote some screenplays, most notably The Misfts which starred Marilyn Monroe
who he later married.
of Miller’s plays, All My Sons, opened
on Broadway January 29, 1947. After 328
performances it closed November 9, 1949 and won New York Drama Critics Circle
Award. This wonderful drama is being
presented at the Pacific Resident Theatre in Venice with a sterling production.
War II began in 1939 and ended in 1945.
This play takes place in the backyard of the Keller home in the
outskirts of an American town in August, 1947.
Joe Keller (Richard Fancy) runs a factory that, during the war, provided
parts for fighter-planes used against the enemy. He and his wife Kate (Terry Davis) have two
sons who fought for their country during the war. Chris (Marc Valera) came home. Unfortunately, their eldest son Larry went
missing in action and, unfortunately, Kate is certain that her son is still
alive and, without a doubt, will someday come back home.

the play progresses we learn that Joe and Ann’s father Steve were once partners
in the factory and due to some parts that were installed in some aircraft that
Joe told Steve to use, twenty-one Air Force pilots died. It turned out the parts were defective and
Steve ended up in prison, while Joe, who claimed he was home sick that day, was

All My Sons is a classic. It was made into a film in 1948, and again in
1987. It allows for very dramatic
acting, and keeps an audience’s interest throughout. The Pacific Resident Theatre’s production is
an exceptionally outstanding revival of this play. Richard Fancy has been a member of PTR for
many years. I have seen him in a number
of plays and he is one of the finest actors on our local stages. His background also includes films and

All My Sons plays Thursday, Friday, and
Saturday at 8 PM, Sunday at 3 PM, through November 15, with, one Saturday
matinee on Nov. 16, at 3 PM. For
information and tickets call (310) 322 8392, or go online.